Macula of utricle

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Macula of Utricle

The Macula of Utricle (pronounced: ma-cu-la of u-tri-cle) is a crucial component of the vestibular system, which is responsible for maintaining our body's balance.


The term 'Macula' is derived from Latin, meaning 'spot' or 'stain'. 'Utricle' also originates from Latin 'utriculus', which translates to 'small bag' or 'pouch'.


The Macula of Utricle is a sensory epithelium, located in the utricle, one of the two otolith organs in the inner ear. It is primarily responsible for detecting linear accelerations and head-tilts in the horizontal plane.


The Macula of Utricle is a thickened oval region, oriented roughly horizontally in the utricle. It consists of a layer of neuroepithelial hair cells and supporting cells, covered by a gelatinous layer embedded with tiny calcium carbonate crystals called otoliths.


When the head tilts or the body accelerates, the weight of the otoliths causes the gelatinous layer to shift, bending the hair cells. This bending triggers an electrical signal that is sent to the brain via the vestibular nerve, informing it about the direction and magnitude of the movement.

Related Terms

  • Vestibular System: The sensory system that contributes to balance and spatial orientation.
  • Utricle: One of the two otolith organs located in the inner ear.
  • Otoliths: Tiny calcium carbonate crystals that respond to gravity and linear acceleration.
  • Hair Cells: Sensory cells in the inner ear that are topped with hair-like structures, the stereocilia, and kinocilium.
  • Vestibular Nerve: The nerve that conducts information from the vestibular system to the brain.

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