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Macropsia (pronounced: ma-krop-see-uh) is a neurological condition that affects the perception of vision. It is characterized by the perception of objects being larger than they actually are.


The term "Macropsia" is derived from the Greek words "makros" meaning large, and "opsis" meaning sight or vision.


Macropsia is a type of dysmetropsia, a general term for visual distortion of objects' size, shape, or color. It is often associated with an altered perception of time. In macropsia, objects are perceived to be larger than their actual size. This condition can affect one or both eyes.


Macropsia can be caused by a variety of conditions, including migraine, epilepsy, drug use, and certain diseases of the retina or brain. It can also occur as a result of damage to the occipital lobe, the part of the brain responsible for processing visual information.


The primary symptom of macropsia is the perception of objects being larger than they actually are. This can occur with all objects in the visual field or only with certain objects. Other symptoms can include headache, nausea, and dizziness.


Treatment for macropsia is typically aimed at addressing the underlying cause. This can include medication for conditions like migraines or epilepsy, or surgery for conditions affecting the retina or brain.

Related Terms

  • Micropsia: A condition where objects are perceived to be smaller than they actually are.
  • Dysmetropsia: A general term for visual distortion of objects' size, shape, or color.
  • Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: A condition characterized by perceptual distortions, including macropsia and micropsia.

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