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Lust (/lʌst/), from Old English lust, is a psychological force producing intense desire for an aspect of another's body, or more generally, the human form. The lust is an intense longing. It is usually thought of as intense or unbridled sexual desire, which leads to fornication, adultery, rape, and other immoral sexual acts.


The term lust originates from the Old English word lust, which means "desire, pleasure, delight, appetite, longing". It is related to the Old High German lust meaning "joy, pleasure", and the Gothic lustus meaning "desire".

Related Terms

  • Desire: A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.
  • Libido: Sexual desire.
  • Passion: Strong and barely controllable emotion.
  • Sensuality: The enjoyment, expression, or pursuit of physical, especially sexual, pleasure.
  • Carnality: Pertaining to or characterized by the flesh or the body, its passions and appetites; sensual.

See Also

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