Lattice corneal dystrophy

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Lattice Corneal Dystrophy

Lattice corneal dystrophy (pronunciation: /ˈlætɪs kɔːrˈniːəl dɪsˈtrɒfi/) is a rare, inherited disorder characterized by the abnormal accumulation of amyloid deposits in the cornea, the clear, outermost layer of the eye.


The term "lattice" is derived from the Latin word "latticinum," meaning "a framework," which refers to the characteristic appearance of the corneal deposits in this condition. "Corneal" pertains to the cornea, and "dystrophy" comes from the Greek words "dys," meaning difficult or faulty, and "trophe," meaning nourishment. Thus, "dystrophy" refers to a disorder caused by improper nutrition of the affected tissue.


Symptoms of lattice corneal dystrophy typically begin in childhood or adolescence and may include photophobia (light sensitivity), recurrent corneal erosion, blurred vision, and progressive vision loss.


There are several types of lattice corneal dystrophy, including Type I, Type II (also known as Merkel-Franzini syndrome), and Type III. Each type is distinguished by its genetic cause and pattern of signs and symptoms.


Diagnosis of lattice corneal dystrophy is typically made through a thorough eye examination, including a slit lamp examination. Genetic testing may also be performed to confirm the diagnosis and identify the specific type of lattice corneal dystrophy.


Treatment for lattice corneal dystrophy is primarily aimed at managing symptoms and may include the use of lubricating eye drops or ointments, soft contact lenses to protect the cornea, and in severe cases, corneal transplantation.


The prognosis for individuals with lattice corneal dystrophy varies depending on the specific type and severity of the condition. With appropriate management, most individuals can maintain a good quality of life.

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