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Laryngology (pronunciation: lærɪŋˈɡɒlədʒi) is a branch of medicine that deals with disorders, diseases and injuries of the vocal apparatus, especially the larynx. The term is derived from the Greek words "larynx", which means the upper part of the respiratory tract, and "logia", which means study.


The field of laryngology grew out of the broader field of otolaryngology, which also includes the study of the ear and nose. The first laryngological procedures were performed in the late 19th century, but the field did not become a distinct specialty until the 20th century.

Disorders and Diseases

Laryngologists treat a variety of conditions, including laryngitis, vocal cord nodules, vocal cord polyps, and laryngeal cancer. They also treat voice disorders, such as dysphonia, and swallowing disorders, such as dysphagia.


Treatment in laryngology can involve medication, surgery, voice therapy, or a combination of these. The specific treatment depends on the nature and severity of the condition. For example, laryngitis may be treated with rest and hydration, while laryngeal cancer often requires surgery and radiation therapy.

Related Terms

  • Otolaryngology: The branch of medicine that deals with conditions of the ear, nose, and throat.
  • Laryngitis: Inflammation of the larynx, often causing hoarseness or loss of voice.
  • Vocal cord nodules: Noncancerous growths on the vocal cords that can cause a raspy or breathy voice.
  • Vocal cord polyps: Soft, fluid-filled swellings that occur on the vocal cords, often as a result of overuse or misuse of the voice.
  • Laryngeal cancer: Cancer that occurs in the larynx.
  • Dysphonia: A condition characterized by abnormal voice changes.
  • Dysphagia: Difficulty or discomfort in swallowing.

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