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Lamella (pronounced: ləˈmɛlə) is a term used in various fields of medicine. It is derived from the Latin word lamella, which means 'thin plate'.


In anatomy, a lamella refers to a thin layer, membrane, or plate of tissue. This term is often used to describe the thin layers of bone found in the Haversian system, which is the fundamental functional unit of much compact bone.


In histology, lamella is used to describe the thin layers of matrix in bone that surround the Haversian canals. These are known as concentric lamellae.

Cell Biology

In cell biology, lamella refers to a thin layer or plate of cells. For example, the lamellipodia in cells are composed of a network of actin filaments and are often referred to as a lamella structure.

Related Terms

  • Lamellar: Pertaining to or resembling a lamella.
  • Lamellipodia: Thin, sheet-like protrusions that extend from the leading edge of migrating cells.
  • Haversian system: The fundamental functional unit of much compact bone.

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