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Journey (medicine)

Journey (/ˈdʒɜːrni/; from Old French jornee, meaning "day's work or travel") in the context of medicine, refers to the process a patient undergoes from the onset of a health issue to recovery or management of a chronic condition.


The term "journey" originates from the Old French jornee, which means "day's work or travel". In the medical context, it is used metaphorically to describe the progression of a patient's experience with a health condition.

Related Terms

  • Patient Journey: The series of interactions a patient has with the healthcare system, from initial contact through the process of treatment and care.
  • Healthcare Journey: The process of seeking and receiving healthcare services, from the initial search for information and care to the follow-up and management of health conditions.
  • Treatment Journey: The specific path a patient takes from the diagnosis of a disease or condition through the course of treatment.
  • Disease Progression: The course a disease takes in an individual from its inception until its eventual resolution or stabilization.

See Also

External links


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