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Jobs (Medicine)

Jobs (/dʒɒbz/), in the context of medicine, refers to the various professional roles and responsibilities within the healthcare industry. These roles range from direct patient care to research and administrative duties.


The term "job" originates from the Old French gobbe meaning "piece of work". In the context of medicine, it refers to the specific tasks or duties performed by healthcare professionals.

Types of Jobs in Medicine

There are numerous types of jobs in the field of medicine, each with its own set of responsibilities and requirements. Some of the most common include:

  • Pharmacist - A healthcare professional who dispenses prescription medications to patients and offers expertise in the safe use of prescriptions.
  • Medical Researcher - A professional who conducts research to increase knowledge about health and disease.
  • Healthcare Administrator - A professional who manages healthcare facilities or systems, ensuring they run smoothly and efficiently.

Related Terms

  • Healthcare - The organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community.
  • Medical Education - The education related to the practice of being a medical practitioner.
  • Healthcare Industry - The range of companies and non-profit organizations that provide medical services, manufacture medical equipment or drugs, provide medical insurance, or otherwise facilitate the provision of healthcare to patients.

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