James Derham

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James Derham

James Derham (pronounced: James Der-ham) was a notable African American who made significant contributions to the field of medicine in the late 18th century. Despite being born into slavery, he managed to gain his freedom and become the first African American to formally practice medicine in the United States, even though he never received a formal medical degree.


The name James is of Hebrew origin, derived from the name Jacob, meaning "supplanter". Derham is an English surname of unknown origin.

Early Life

James Derham was born into slavery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1762. He was owned by several doctors, and it was through these experiences that he gained a vast knowledge of medicine. He was taught to read and write, and he learned about medical procedures, pharmacy, and patient care.

Medical Career

In 1783, Derham was bought by a Scottish physician, Dr. Bob Love, who encouraged him to pursue his interest in medicine. He worked as a nurse, and later as a medical assistant, gaining practical experience in the field. In 1788, he bought his freedom and started his own medical practice in New Orleans, Louisiana. Despite not having a formal medical degree, Derham was highly respected in his field. He treated both black and white patients, and was known for his successful treatment of diphtheria and yellow fever.


James Derham's life and work have had a lasting impact on the field of medicine. His success as a physician, despite the many obstacles he faced, paved the way for future generations of African American doctors. His story is a testament to the power of education and the human spirit.

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