Inferior nasal conchae

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Inferior Nasal Conchae

The Inferior Nasal Conchae (pronunciation: in-FEER-ee-or NAY-zuhl KON-kee) is one of the three pairs of conchae in the Nasal Cavity. It is the largest and lowest of the conchae, and unlike the Superior Nasal Conchae and Middle Nasal Conchae, it is an independent bone of the skull.


The term "Inferior Nasal Conchae" is derived from the Latin words 'inferior' meaning 'lower', 'nasal' pertaining to the 'nose', and 'conchae' meaning 'shell', referring to the shell-like structure of the conchae.

Structure and Function

The Inferior Nasal Conchae is a curved bone that protrudes into the nasal cavity, extending horizontally at the lateral wall of the Nasal Cavity. It helps in humidifying and filtering the air by creating turbulence in the inhaled air.

Related Terms

See Also


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