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Hybrid (medicine)

Hybrid (pronounced: /ˈhaɪ.brɪd/) in the field of medicine refers to a combination of two or more different types of methods, systems, or species to create an enhanced or new result. The term is derived from the Latin hybrida, meaning the offspring of two dissimilar parents.


The term hybrid originates from the Latin hybrida or hibrida, which was used to describe the offspring produced by breeding two different species or varieties. In the context of medicine, it has been adopted to describe a combination of different methods or systems to achieve a better result.

Related Terms

  • Hybrid Surgery: A surgical procedure that combines traditional open surgery and minimally invasive surgery.
  • Hybrid Imaging: A technique that combines two or more imaging modalities to create a more comprehensive view of the patient's condition.
  • Hybrid Capture: A molecular method that combines different techniques to detect and quantify specific nucleic acid sequences.
  • Hybrid Clone: A cell line created by the fusion of two different cells.
  • Hybridoma: A hybrid cell line used to produce monoclonal antibodies in large quantities.

See Also

External links


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