Helen Stokes-Lampard

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Helen Stokes-Lampard

Helen Stokes-Lampard (pronunciation: /ˈhɛlɪn ˈstoʊks læmˈpɑːrd/) is a prominent figure in the field of medicine and healthcare in the United Kingdom. She is best known for her role as the Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) from 2016 to 2019.


The name 'Helen' is of Greek origin, meaning 'shining light' or 'the bright one'. 'Stokes' is an English surname, derived from the geographical term 'stoke', meaning 'settlement'. 'Lampard' is also an English surname, believed to be derived from the Old French 'Lambert', meaning 'land' and 'bright'.


Helen Stokes-Lampard started her career as a general practitioner (GP) in Lichfield, Staffordshire. She has been a partner at The Westgate Practice for over 15 years. In addition to her clinical work, she has held several leadership roles within the RCGP, including Honorary Treasurer and Chair of the RCGP Council. She is also a Professor of General Practice at the University of Birmingham.


During her tenure as Chair of the RCGP, Stokes-Lampard advocated for the importance of primary care and the role of GPs in the healthcare system. She has been a vocal proponent of increasing funding for general practice and improving access to GP services. She has also contributed to research in women's health, particularly in the area of menopause and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

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