Gynaecologic cytology

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Gynaecologic Cytology

Gynaecologic Cytology (pronounced: gyn-uh-koh-LOJ-ik sy-TOL-uh-jee) is a branch of Cytology that focuses on the study of cells from the female reproductive system. The term is derived from the Greek words 'gynaika' meaning 'woman' and 'kutos' meaning 'a hollow, receptacle, or cell'.


Gynaecologic Cytology involves the examination of cells collected from the Cervix, Vagina, Uterus, and other parts of the female reproductive system. It is primarily used for the detection of Cervical Cancer and other abnormalities in the female reproductive system.


The most common procedure in Gynaecologic Cytology is the Pap Smear Test, where cells are scraped from the cervix and examined under a microscope. Other procedures include Endometrial Sampling and Vaginal Smear Test.

Related Terms

See Also

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