Grove Hospital

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Grove Hospital

Grove Hospital (pronunciation: /ɡroʊv ˈhɒspɪtl/) is a healthcare facility that provides patient care services, including diagnosis, treatment, and recovery procedures.


The term "Grove Hospital" is derived from the English words "grove," meaning a small group of trees, and "hospital," which comes from the Latin word "hospes," meaning guest or stranger. It is so named because the hospital is located in a grove or a peaceful, tree-filled area.

Related Terms

  • Healthcare facility: A place where healthcare services are provided. This includes hospitals, clinics, outpatient care centers, and specialized care centers.
  • Patient care: The services rendered by members of the health professions for the benefit of a patient.
  • Diagnosis: The identification of the nature and cause of a certain phenomenon.
  • Treatment: The management and care of a patient to combat, ameliorate, or prevent a disease, disorder, or injury.
  • Recovery: The process of regaining one's health and strength.

See Also

External links


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