Glutamate receptors

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Glutamate Receptors

Glutamate receptors (pronounced: gloo-tuh-meyt ri-sep-ters) are synaptic receptors located primarily on the membranes of neuronal cells. Glutamate is the most prominent neurotransmitter in the body, and these receptors are responsible for the glutamatergic neurotransmission.


The term "glutamate" comes from the Latin glutamen, which means "glue". This is a reference to the chemical's sticky texture. The term "receptor" comes from the Latin recipere, meaning "to receive". This refers to the receptor's role in receiving signals.

Types of Glutamate Receptors

There are two main types of glutamate receptors: Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors.


Glutamate receptors play a key role in the central nervous system's excitatory synaptic transmission. They are involved in a variety of brain functions, including learning and memory.

Related Terms

  • Neurotransmitter: A chemical substance that is released at the end of a nerve fiber by the arrival of a nerve impulse and, by diffusing across the synapse or junction, causes the transfer of the impulse to another nerve fiber, a muscle fiber, or some other structure.
  • Synapse: The junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter.
  • Neuron: A specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses; a nerve cell.

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