Frykman classification

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Frykman Classification

The Frykman Classification (pronounced: Fryk-man Class-i-fi-ca-tion) is a system used in the medical field to categorize fractures of the distal radius. It was developed by Dr. Gösta Frykman in 1967.


The classification is named after its creator, Dr. Gösta Frykman, a Swedish orthopedic surgeon. The term "classification" comes from the Latin word "classis", which means "class" or "rank", and the suffix "-fication" from the Latin "facere", meaning "to make" or "to do".


The Frykman Classification is an eight-category system that not only considers the anatomical location of the fracture, but also whether the ulnar styloid process is involved. It is particularly used to describe fractures of the distal radius, a common injury especially among the elderly due to osteoporosis.

The categories are as follows:

  1. Fracture of the radius without involvement of the radiocarpal joint
  2. Fracture of the radius with involvement of the radiocarpal joint
  3. Fracture of the radius and ulna without involvement of the radiocarpal joint
  4. Fracture of the radius and ulna with involvement of the radiocarpal joint
  5. Fracture of the radius with involvement of the radiocarpal and radioulnar joints
  6. Fracture of the radius and ulna with involvement of the radiocarpal and radioulnar joints
  7. Fracture of the radius with involvement of the radiocarpal, radioulnar, and distal radioulnar joints
  8. Fracture of the radius and ulna with involvement of the radiocarpal, radioulnar, and distal radioulnar joints

Related Terms

See Also

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