Frontal eminence

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Frontal Eminence

Frontal eminence (pronunciation: /ˈfrʌntəl ˈɛmɪnəns/) is a term used in anatomy to describe a rounded prominence on the frontal bone of the human skull.


The term "frontal eminence" is derived from the Latin words "frontalis" meaning "of the forehead" and "eminencia" meaning "a projection".


The frontal eminences are two rounded elevations located on the forehead region of the frontal bone. They are more prominent in children than in adults, and they are usually more pronounced in males than in females. The frontal eminences contribute to the shape and contour of the forehead.

Related Terms

  • Frontal bone: The bone that forms the front part of the skull and the upper part of the eye sockets.
  • Parietal eminence: A rounded prominence on the parietal bone of the skull.
  • Occipital eminence: A prominence on the occipital bone at the back of the skull.
  • Temporal eminence: A rounded prominence on the temporal bone of the skull.

See Also

External links


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