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Fluffy (medical term)

Fluffy (/ˈflʌfi/; from the Old English fluf, meaning "light or airy") is a term used in the medical field to describe certain characteristics of medical conditions or symptoms. It is not a medical condition in itself, but a descriptive term used by healthcare professionals.


In a medical context, fluffy is often used to describe the appearance of certain medical imaging results, such as X-rays or CT scans. For example, a radiologist might describe the appearance of certain lung conditions as having a "fluffy" appearance, indicating a certain pattern of abnormality.

Related Terms

  • Opacity: In medical imaging, opacity refers to the quality of a substance that prevents light from passing through. A "fluffy" appearance on an X-ray or CT scan might indicate increased opacity in certain areas of the lungs.
  • Infiltrate: In medicine, an infiltrate refers to the accumulation of cells or fluids in a tissue or organ, often seen in infection or inflammation. A "fluffy" appearance on medical imaging might suggest the presence of infiltrates.
  • Edema: Edema is a medical term for swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the body's tissues. In some cases, edema might give a "fluffy" appearance on medical imaging.


The term fluffy comes from the Old English fluf, meaning "light or airy". In a medical context, it is used metaphorically to describe the appearance of certain medical imaging results.


The term fluffy is pronounced /ˈflʌfi/.

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