Femur fibula ulna syndrome

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Femur Fibula Ulna Syndrome

Femur Fibula Ulna Syndrome (pronunciation: fe-mur fi-bu-la ul-na syn-drome) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the development of the skeletal system. The syndrome is characterized by abnormalities in the femur, fibula, and ulna bones.


The term 'Femur Fibula Ulna Syndrome' is derived from the names of the three bones that are primarily affected in this condition. The femur is the thigh bone, the fibula is the smaller of the two bones in the lower leg, and the ulna is one of the two bones in the forearm.


The symptoms of Femur Fibula Ulna Syndrome can vary greatly among affected individuals. However, common symptoms include:

  • Shortening or absence of the femur
  • Shortening or absence of the fibula
  • Shortening or absence of the ulna
  • Other skeletal abnormalities


Femur Fibula Ulna Syndrome is a genetic disorder, meaning it is caused by abnormalities in an individual's genes. The exact genetic cause of this syndrome is currently unknown.


Diagnosis of Femur Fibula Ulna Syndrome is typically made based on the presence of characteristic symptoms, a detailed patient history, and thorough clinical evaluation. Imaging studies such as X-rays can also be used to confirm the diagnosis.


Treatment of Femur Fibula Ulna Syndrome is symptomatic and supportive. This may include physical therapy, surgery, and other interventions to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

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