FDSRCS England

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FDSRCS England

FDSRCS England (pronounced as F-D-S-R-C-S England), is an abbreviation for Fellowship in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. It is a professional qualification to practice as a senior dentist in the United Kingdom.


The term FDSRCS England is an acronym where:

  • FDS stands for Fellowship in Dental Surgery,
  • RCS stands for Royal College of Surgeons, and
  • England refers to the country where the Royal College is based.

Related Terms

  • Dentistry: The medical field that FDSRCS England is associated with.
  • Royal College of Surgeons: The professional body that awards the FDSRCS England qualification.
  • Fellowship: A high level of professional achievement, represented by the 'F' in FDSRCS.
  • Dental Surgery: The specific field of medicine that the FDSRCS England qualification pertains to.

See Also

  • MRCS: Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons, a similar qualification for surgeons.
  • FRCS: Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons, a higher level of qualification than the MRCS.

External links


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