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Exserohilum (pronunciation: eks-er-oh-hi-lum) is a genus of fungi that belongs to the family Pleosporaceae.


The term "Exserohilum" is derived from the Latin words "exserere" meaning "to thrust out" and "hilum" meaning "a small thing". This refers to the characteristic of the fungi where the spores are thrust out from a small opening.


Exserohilum is a dematiaceous (darkly pigmented) fungus that is commonly found in soil and plant material. It is known to cause diseases in both humans and animals, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. The most common diseases caused by Exserohilum include sinusitis, keratitis, and meningitis.


Exserohilum species are opportunistic pathogens. They can cause infection when they are inhaled, ingested, or come into contact with a wound. In humans, Exserohilum can cause a variety of diseases, ranging from mild skin infections to severe systemic diseases. The severity of the disease often depends on the immune status of the host.


Treatment for Exserohilum infections typically involves antifungal medications. The choice of medication often depends on the type and severity of the infection. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Related Terms

  • Pleosporaceae: The family of fungi to which Exserohilum belongs.
  • Dematiaceous: A term used to describe fungi that have darkly pigmented hyphae and spores.
  • Sinusitis: An inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses, often caused by a fungal infection.
  • Keratitis: An inflammation of the cornea, often caused by a fungal infection.
  • Meningitis: An inflammation of the meninges, often caused by a fungal infection.

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