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Etest (pronounced: e-test) is a laboratory method used in the field of Microbiology to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of antibiotics, antifungal agents, and antimicrobial agents against microorganisms. It is a quantitative method that provides an MIC value, which is essential for the management of severe infections and for optimizing the dosage of antimicrobial agents in individual patients.


The term "Etest" is derived from the English words "easy" and "test", indicating the simplicity and efficiency of the method.


The Etest procedure involves the use of a plastic strip, which is pre-coated on one side with a predefined, continuous and exponential gradient of an antimicrobial agent. The strip is placed on an agar plate that has been inoculated with the test organism. After incubation, the MIC is read where the elliptical zone of inhibition intersects the strip.

Related Terms

  • Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing: A laboratory testing procedure designed to determine the response of certain microorganisms to specific antimicrobial agents.
  • Antibiotic: A type of antimicrobial substance active against bacteria.
  • Antifungal: A pharmaceutical fungicide or fungistatic used to treat and prevent mycosis.
  • Microorganism: A microscopic organism, which may exist in its single-celled form or in a colony of cells.
  • Agar Plate: A Petri dish filled with agar as a solid growth medium for microorganisms.
  • Inoculation: The placement of something that will grow or reproduce, and is most commonly used in respect of the introduction of a serum, vaccine, or antigenic substance into the body of a human or animal.

See Also

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