Emergency nursing

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Emergency nursing

Emergency nursing (pronunciation: /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi nɜːsɪŋ/) is a specialty within the field of professional nursing focusing on the care of patients who require prompt medical attention to avoid long-term disability or death.


The term "emergency nursing" is derived from the words "emergency", which originates from the Latin word "emergere" meaning "to bring to light", and "nursing", which comes from the Latin word "nutrire" meaning "to nourish".


Emergency nursing involves caring for individuals of all ages and conditions, from delivering babies and resuscitating trauma victims to administering medication. These nurses work in a variety of settings, including emergency departments, urgent care centers, and trauma centers.

Related Terms

  • Triage: The process of determining the priority of patients' treatments based on the severity of their condition.
  • Critical Care: A branch of medicine dealing with life-threatening injuries and illnesses.
  • Trauma Nursing: A specialty that deals specifically with the care of patients who suffer severe and often multiple physical injuries.
  • Pediatric Emergency Nursing: A sub-specialty of emergency nursing where practitioners care for children in the emergency department.
  • Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN): A nurse who has post-graduate education in nursing.

See Also

External links


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