Emergency Care Practitioner

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Emergency Care Practitioner (pronunciation: /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi keər prækˈtɪʃənər/) is a healthcare professional who is trained to provide emergency medical services, primarily in pre-hospital settings. They are often the first point of contact for patients in emergency medical situations.


The term "Emergency Care Practitioner" is derived from the words "emergency," which comes from the Latin emergere meaning "to rise up or come forth," "care," from the Old English caru meaning "sorrow, anxiety, grief," and "practitioner," from the Latin practicare meaning "to perform, carry out."

Roles and Responsibilities

An Emergency Care Practitioner is responsible for assessing, treating, and stabilizing patients in emergency situations. This may include performing CPR, administering medication, and using medical equipment to monitor patients' vital signs. They may also be involved in transporting patients to hospitals and providing ongoing care during transport.

Training and Qualifications

Becoming an Emergency Care Practitioner typically requires a degree in a related field such as nursing or paramedicine. This is often followed by additional training in emergency care, such as an Emergency Care Practitioner program. Some practitioners may also have experience as paramedics or nurses.

Related Terms

See Also

External links


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