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Else (Medical Term)

Else (pronounced: /ɛls/) is a term often used in the medical field, particularly in the context of differential diagnosis. It is not a standalone term, but rather a conjunction used to introduce an alternative or supplementary idea or explanation.


The term "Else" originates from the Old English word "elles", meaning "otherwise" or "in another manner". It has been used in the English language since the 10th century.

Usage in Medical Context

In a medical context, "Else" is often used in the phrase "What else?" during the process of differential diagnosis. This phrase prompts healthcare professionals to consider all possible diagnoses when a patient's symptoms could be attributed to more than one condition. For example, if a patient presents with chest pain, a doctor might consider heart disease as a possible cause, but then ask "What else?" to remind themselves to also consider other possibilities, such as lung disease or gastrointestinal issues.

Related Terms

  • Differential Diagnosis: The process of distinguishing a particular disease or condition from others that present with similar clinical features.
  • Symptom: A physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient.
  • Diagnosis: The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.

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