Electronic prescribing

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Electronic prescribing

Electronic prescribing or e-prescribing (pronounced /ɪˌlɛktrɒnɪk prɪˈskraɪbɪŋ/) is a technology framework that allows physicians and other medical practitioners to write and send prescriptions to a participating pharmacy electronically instead of using handwritten or faxed notes or calling in prescriptions.


The term "electronic prescribing" comes from the combination of "electronic", referring to technology or digital, and "prescribing", which is the act of ordering a medication.


Electronic prescribing is defined as the utilization of electronic systems to facilitate and enhance the communication of a prescription or medicine order, aiding the choice, administration and supply of a medicine through knowledge and decision support and providing a robust audit trail for the entire medicines use process.


Electronic prescribing has the potential to eliminate most of these types of errors. It began in the late 20th century, following many decades during which prescribing information was exchanged via paper, fax, or phone calls.


Electronic prescribing systems can enhance an overall medication management process through clinical decision support systems that can perform checks against the patient's current medications for drug-drug interactions, drug-allergy interactions, diagnoses, body weight, age, drug appropriateness, and correct dosing.

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