Elbow fracture

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Elbow Fracture

An Elbow Fracture (pronounced: EL-boh FRAK-chur) is a type of bone fracture that occurs in the elbow joint. The elbow joint is a complex structure formed by three bones: the humerus, the ulna, and the radius. An elbow fracture can involve any of these bones and can range from a simple break to a complex injury involving multiple bones and soft tissues.


The term "Elbow Fracture" is derived from the Old English word 'elboga' or 'elnboga' meaning "bend of the arm", and the Latin word 'fractura' meaning 'a break'.

Types of Elbow Fractures

There are several types of elbow fractures, including:

  • Olecranon Fractures: These fractures occur at the tip of the elbow, affecting the olecranon, the pointy part of the ulna.


Common symptoms of an elbow fracture include pain, swelling, bruising, stiffness, and an inability to move the elbow. In some cases, a deformity may be visible if the bones are displaced.


Treatment for an elbow fracture depends on the type and severity of the fracture. Non-surgical treatments include immobilization with a cast or splint, pain medication, and physical therapy. Surgical treatments may be necessary for more severe fractures and can include open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF), arthroplasty, or arthroscopy.

Related Terms

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