Drug Effectiveness Review Project

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Drug Effectiveness Review Project

The Drug Effectiveness Review Project (DERP) is a collaborative program of evidence-based practice centers which produces systematic reviews of medications. The project was initiated in 2003 by the Center for Evidence-based Policy at Oregon Health & Science University.


Drug Effectiveness Review Project: /drʌg ɪˈfɛktɪvnəs rɪˈvjuː prɒdʒɛkt/


The term "Drug Effectiveness Review Project" is a descriptive name for the project, which reviews the effectiveness of drugs. The term was coined by the Center for Evidence-based Policy.

Related Terms


The Drug Effectiveness Review Project (DERP) is a program that conducts systematic reviews of the comparative effectiveness and safety of drugs in many widely used drug classes and disseminates the results to participating public-sector organizations in the United States and Canada, for use in their population-based drug coverage decisions. The project is coordinated by the Center for Evidence-based Policy at the Oregon Health & Science University, and the reviews are conducted by evidence-based practice centers.


The DERP uses a systematic approach to evaluate the comparative effectiveness and safety of drugs. The process begins with the development of a research protocol, which includes a literature search strategy and criteria for study selection. The results of the literature search are then reviewed and studies that meet the selection criteria are included in the review. The evidence from the selected studies is then synthesized and summarized in a report.


The findings from the DERP are used by participating organizations to inform their drug coverage decisions. This can help to ensure that the drugs that are covered are those that have been shown to be effective and safe. The project also contributes to the evidence base for comparative effectiveness research in drug therapy.

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