Drop attack

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Drop Attack

A Drop Attack (pronounced: /drɒp əˈtæk/) is a sudden, unprovoked fall without loss of consciousness. It is a medical condition that can occur in various neurological disorders.


The term "Drop Attack" is derived from the English words "drop", meaning to fall suddenly and without control, and "attack", referring to a sudden occurrence or onset of a condition.


A Drop Attack is characterized by a sudden collapse, often without warning, while the person remains conscious throughout the episode. The individual usually recovers quickly, often within seconds, and can stand and walk immediately after the attack.


Drop Attacks can be caused by a variety of neurological conditions, including Meniere's disease, epilepsy, and certain types of seizures. They can also occur in individuals with orthostatic hypotension, a condition in which blood pressure drops suddenly when the person stands up.


The primary symptom of a Drop Attack is a sudden fall without loss of consciousness. Other symptoms can vary depending on the underlying cause and may include dizziness, loss of balance, and unexplained falls.


Treatment for Drop Attacks depends on the underlying cause. It may include medications, physical therapy, or in some cases, surgery. It is important for individuals experiencing Drop Attacks to seek medical attention to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

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