Dr. Cyril O. Spann Medical Office

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Dr. Cyril O. Spann Medical Office

The Dr. Cyril O. Spann Medical Office is a renowned healthcare facility that provides comprehensive medical services to patients. The office is named after Dr. Cyril O. Spann, a distinguished physician known for his significant contributions to the field of medicine.


Dr. Cyril O. Spann Medical Office: /ˈsɪrɪl oʊ. ˈspæn ˈmɛdɪkəl ˈɒfɪs/


The name of the medical office is derived from its founder, Dr. Cyril O. Spann. The term "medical office" is a common term used to refer to a place where a doctor or other medical professional provides healthcare services.

Related Terms

  • Physician: A professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring health through the study, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments.
  • Healthcare: The organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community.
  • Medicine: The science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

See Also

External links


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