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Dorsal (/ˈdɔːrsəl/), from the Latin dorsum meaning back, is a term used in anatomy to refer to the back or upper side of an organism or part of the body.


The term dorsal is derived from the Latin word dorsum, which translates to "back". It is used in anatomical nomenclature to denote something as being towards the back side in humans and most other vertebrates.

Usage in Anatomy

In anatomy, dorsal is used to describe the position of one structure relative to another, in the context of the standard anatomical position. For example, in the standard anatomical position, the most dorsal part of the hand is the back of the hand; the most dorsal part of the foot is the top of the foot.

Related Terms

  • Ventral: The opposite of dorsal, referring to the front or lower side of an organism or part of the body.
  • Anterior: Refers to the front side of the body.
  • Posterior: Refers to the back side of the body, synonymous with dorsal in human anatomy.
  • Medial: Refers to the middle or center of the body.
  • Lateral: Refers to the sides of the body.

See Also

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