Diving mask

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Diving Mask

A Diving mask (pronunciation: /ˈdaɪvɪŋ mɑːsk/) is a piece of Diving equipment that allows underwater divers to see clearly underwater.


The term "Diving mask" is derived from the activity it is used for, "diving", and the object itself, a "mask". The word "diving" comes from the Old English "dyppan" meaning to dip or submerge, and "mask" comes from the Middle French "masque", meaning a covering to hide or guard the face.


The primary function of a diving mask is to provide the diver with a clear field of vision underwater. It does this by creating an air space in front of the diver's eyes, which is necessary because human eyes are not designed to focus in water. The mask also protects the diver's eyes and nose from water, cold, contaminants, and injuries.


There are several types of diving masks, including the full-face mask, the half mask, and the Free-diving mask. The full-face mask covers the entire face, providing a wide field of vision and allowing the diver to breathe through both the nose and mouth. The half mask covers only the eyes and nose, and the diver breathes through a separate regulator. The free-diving mask is a low-volume mask used in free-diving and spearfishing.

Related Terms

  • Scuba diving: A form of underwater diving where the diver uses a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba) to breathe underwater.
  • Snorkeling: The practice of swimming on or through a body of water while equipped with a diving mask and a shaped tube called a snorkel.
  • Diving suit: An important piece of equipment that protects the diver from the underwater environment.
  • Diving regulator: A pressure regulator that reduces pressurized breathing gas to ambient pressure and delivers it to the diver.

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