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Disk (medicine)

Disk (pronounced: /dɪsk/), also known as disc in some medical contexts, is a term used in various fields of medicine to describe a round, flat structure in the body. The term is derived from the Latin discus, which means "a round plate or disk".


In anatomy, a disk refers to a flat, circular, plate-like structure in the body. For example, the intervertebral disk is a fibrocartilaginous pad that serves as a cushion between the vertebrae in the spine. Another example is the optic disk, the point in the eye where the optic nerve leaves the retina.


In medicine, the term disk can refer to a variety of structures or devices. For instance, a disk diffusion test is a method used in microbiology to test the effectiveness of antibiotics. A disk battery is a type of battery often swallowed by children, leading to medical emergencies.

Related Terms

  • Diskectomy: A surgical procedure to remove a disk, often an intervertebral disk.
  • Diskitis: Inflammation of an intervertebral disk.
  • Disk herniation: A condition where the inner core of an intervertebral disk bulges out through the outer layer.
  • Disk space infection: An infection in the space occupied by an intervertebral disk.

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