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Discontinuation (/dɪs.kɒn.tɪn.juːˈeɪ.ʃən/) is the process of ending or terminating something, often referring to the cessation of a treatment or medication in the field of medicine.


The term "discontinuation" is derived from the Latin dis- meaning "apart" and continuare meaning "to continue", thus signifying the act of ceasing to continue.

Medical Context

In a medical context, discontinuation often refers to the process of ending a course of medication or treatment. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as the patient's recovery, the occurrence of side effects, or the ineffectiveness of the treatment. It is crucial that discontinuation of certain medications, especially those with withdrawal symptoms, be done under the supervision of a healthcare professional to manage potential risks.

Related terms include withdrawal, which refers to the symptoms experienced by the body when a substance, typically a drug, is discontinued, and tapering, the gradual reduction of a medication's dosage to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

See Also

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