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Dhaka (pronounced /ˈdɑːkə/ or /ˈdækə/), also known as Dacca in historical context, is the capital and largest city of Bangladesh. It is one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world.


The name Dhaka is said to have been derived from the Sanskrit word Dhak which means a type of drum. Some other theories suggest that Dhak is derived from a tree named Dhak which was very common in the area, or due to the establishment of the Goddess named Dhakeshwari's temple by Ballal Sena in the 12th century.

Related Terms

  • Bangladesh: The country of which Dhaka is the capital.
  • Dhakeshwari Temple: One of the most famous Hindu temples in Dhaka, named after the Goddess Dhakeshwari.
  • Sanskrit: An ancient Indic language of India, in which the first documentation of Dhaka is found.
  • Ballal Sena: The second ruler of the Sena dynasty, who is said to have built the Dhakeshwari temple.


The pronunciation of Dhaka varies depending on the region. In the Bengali language, it is pronounced as /ˈdɦaka/, while in English, it is commonly pronounced as /ˈdɑːkə/ or /ˈdækə/.

See Also

External links


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