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Delegate (Medicine)

Delegate (pronounced: /ˈdelɪɡət/) is a term used in the medical field to refer to the act of entrusting or assigning responsibility or authority to another person to carry out specific activities or tasks.


The term 'delegate' originates from the Latin word 'delagatus', which means 'to send from'. It was first used in the English language in the 15th century.


In the context of medicine, a delegate is a healthcare professional who is given the authority or responsibility to perform tasks or make decisions on behalf of another healthcare professional. This is often done in situations where the original healthcare professional is unable to perform the task or make the decision themselves due to various reasons such as workload, expertise, or availability.

Related Terms

  • Delegation (medicine): The process of assigning responsibility or authority to another person to carry out specific activities or tasks.
  • Healthcare professional: A person who provides preventive, curative, promotional, or rehabilitative health care services in a systematic way to people, families, or communities.
  • Medical decision-making: The process of making decisions related to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of health conditions.
  • Medical authority: The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience in the medical field.

See Also

External links


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