Delayed sleep phase disorder

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Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder

Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (DSPD), also known as Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) or Delayed Sleep Phase Type (DSPT), is a chronobiological disorder that affects the timing of sleep, peak period of alertness, the core body temperature rhythm, hormonal and other daily rhythms, compared to the general population and relative to societal requirements. People with DSPD generally fall asleep some hours after midnight and have difficulty waking up in the morning.


Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder: /dɪˈleɪd sliːp feɪz dɪsˈɔːdər/


The term "Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder" is derived from the nature of the condition itself. "Delayed" refers to the postponement of the sleep phase, "Sleep Phase" refers to the period of sleep, and "Disorder" indicates a disruption of the normal sleep cycle.


People with DSPD have at least a two-hour delay in sleep onset and wake times in comparison to conventional times. Symptoms may include insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, and impaired social functioning.


The exact cause of DSPD is unknown, but it is thought to be related to the malfunctioning of the circadian rhythm, the body's internal clock that regulates sleep and wakefulness. Other factors may include genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, and environmental factors.


Treatment for DSPD includes chronotherapy, light therapy, and medication. Chronotherapy involves gradually delaying the sleep phase until a desired bedtime is reached. Light therapy uses exposure to artificial light to shift the timing of the body's internal clock.

Related Terms

  • Insomnia: A sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep.
  • Circadian rhythm sleep disorder: A family of sleep disorders affecting the timing of sleep.
  • Chronotherapy: A behavioral technique in which sleep times are gradually and systematically adjusted.
  • Light therapy: A treatment that uses exposure to daylight or to specific wavelengths of light using polychromatic polarised light, lasers, light-emitting diodes, fluorescent lamps, or dichroic lamps.

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