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Definity (pronounced: deh-FIN-ity) is a brand name for a type of ultrasound contrast agent used in medical imaging. It is a product of Lantheus Medical Imaging.


The name "Definity" is a portmanteau of "definition" and "infinity", reflecting the product's ability to provide clear, detailed images for an indefinite period of time.


Definity is used to improve the clarity of echocardiograms, a type of ultrasound imaging used to visualize the heart. It is injected into the bloodstream, where it helps to enhance the contrast and definition of the images produced by the ultrasound machine.


Definity consists of tiny gas-filled microbubbles suspended in a liquid. The gas, perflutren, is encapsulated in a shell made of lipids. When exposed to ultrasound waves, the microbubbles vibrate, producing a strong signal that can be detected by the ultrasound machine.

Related Terms

  • Echocardiogram: A test that uses sound waves to produce images of the heart.
  • Ultrasound: A diagnostic imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of the body.
  • Contrast agent: A substance used to enhance the contrast of structures or fluids within the body in medical imaging.
  • Perflutren: A type of gas used in ultrasound contrast agents.

Side Effects

Like all medical treatments, Definity can cause side effects. These can include headache, flushing, and nausea. In rare cases, serious allergic reactions can occur.

See Also

External links


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