Dayton, Ohio

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Dayton, Ohio

Dayton (pronounced /ˈdeɪtən/) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Montgomery County. The city is located in the Miami Valley region of Ohio and is the fourth largest metropolitan area in the state.


The city of Dayton is named after Jonathan Dayton, a captain in the American Revolutionary War who signed the U.S. Constitution.


Dayton was founded on April 1, 1796, by 12 settlers known as "The Thompson Party." They traveled in March from Cincinnati up the Great Miami River by pirogue and landed at what is now St. Clair Street, where they found two small camps of Native Americans.


Dayton is located at the crossroads of several major interstate highways, including Interstate 75, Interstate 70, and U.S. Route 35. The city is also served by Dayton International Airport.


Dayton's economy is a mix of manufacturing, healthcare, education, and government sectors. The city is known for its association with aviation; the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were from Dayton.


Dayton is home to several institutions of higher learning, including the University of Dayton and Wright State University.


Dayton's healthcare sector includes Miami Valley Hospital, the region's largest hospital, and Children's Medical Center of Dayton, the region's only children's hospital.


Dayton is known for its vibrant arts scene, with numerous museums, theaters, and music venues. The city is also home to the Dayton Art Institute and the Victoria Theatre.

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