David Green (social entrepreneur)

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David Green (social entrepreneur)

David Green is a renowned social entrepreneur who has made significant contributions to the field of healthcare and medicine. His work primarily focuses on making medical technology and healthcare services affordable and accessible to all, regardless of their economic status.


David Green: /ˈdeɪ.vɪd ɡriːn/


The name David is of Hebrew origin, meaning "beloved". The surname Green is of English origin, often given to someone who lived near a village green or who was fond of dressing in this color.

Related Terms


David Green is best known for his innovative approach to social entrepreneurship, which involves creating sustainable models for delivering essential healthcare services and medical technologies. He has been instrumental in the development and distribution of affordable hearing aids, intraocular lenses for cataract surgery, and other medical products.

Green's work has been recognized globally, and he has received numerous awards for his contributions to healthcare. He is a co-founder of Project Impact, a non-profit organization that aims to make medical technology and healthcare services more affordable and accessible.

Contributions to Medicine

One of Green's most significant contributions to medicine is his work in making intraocular lenses more affordable. These lenses are used in cataract surgery, a procedure that can restore sight to those with cataracts. Green's efforts have made this life-changing surgery accessible to millions of people worldwide who otherwise could not afford it.

Green has also made significant strides in making hearing aids more affordable. He co-founded a company that produces high-quality, low-cost hearing aids, making this essential technology accessible to those who need it most.

See Also

External links


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