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Cyclotriol (pronounced: /ˈsaɪ.kloʊ.triː.ɔːl/) is a type of steroid that is found in certain types of fungi. It is a triterpenoid that is derived from lanosterol.


The term "Cyclotriol" is derived from the Greek words "kyklos" meaning circle and "triol" referring to the three hydroxyl (-OH) groups present in its chemical structure.

Structure and Properties

Cyclotriol is a type of triterpenoid, which are a class of chemical compounds composed of three terpene units. It is derived from lanosterol, a tetracyclic triterpenoid. The chemical formula of cyclotriol is C30H50O3.

Biological Role and Applications

Cyclotriol has been found in certain types of fungi, including species in the Aspergillus and Penicillium genera. It has been studied for its potential medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor activities.

Related Terms

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