Cuthbert Dukes

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Cuthbert Dukes

Cuthbert Dukes (pronunciation: /ˈkʌθbərt djuːks/) was a British pathologist known for his significant contributions to the field of colorectal cancer staging.


The name Cuthbert is of English origin and means "famous, bright". The surname Dukes is of English origin and is a patronymic form of the medieval personal name Duke, derived from the Latin "dux", a leader.


Cuthbert Dukes was born in 1890 in England. He studied medicine at King's College, London and later specialized in pathology. He worked at the London Hospital Medical College, where he developed the Dukes classification system for colorectal cancer.

Dukes Classification

The Dukes classification is a system used to stage colorectal cancer based on the extent of the tumor's invasion into the bowel wall, the involvement of lymph nodes, and the presence of distant metastases. It was first proposed by Cuthbert Dukes in 1932 and has since been modified and expanded by others. The system includes:

  • Dukes A: The cancer is confined to the inner lining of the colon.
  • Dukes B: The cancer has spread to the muscle layer of the colon wall.
  • Dukes C: The cancer has spread to at least one lymph node.
  • Dukes D: The cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

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