Covalent bond

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Covalent Bond

A Covalent Bond (pronunciation: /koʊˈveɪlənt ˈbɒnd/) is a type of Chemical Bond that involves the sharing of Electron Pairs between Atoms.


The term "Covalent Bond" is derived from the Latin word "covalere", meaning "to stick together". It was first used in the early 20th century to describe the nature of such bonds, which involve the sharing of electrons.


In a Covalent Bond, the electron pairs are known as shared pairs or Bonding Pairs, and the stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces between atoms, when they share electrons, is known as covalent bonding.

Types of Covalent Bonds

There are several types of Covalent Bonds including Single Covalent Bonds, Double Covalent Bonds, and Triple Covalent Bonds. These bonds differ in the number of shared electron pairs.

Single Covalent Bond

A Single Covalent Bond is a bond that involves two atoms sharing one pair of electrons.

Double Covalent Bond

A Double Covalent Bond involves two atoms sharing two pairs of electrons.

Triple Covalent Bond

A Triple Covalent Bond involves two atoms sharing three pairs of electrons.

Related Terms

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