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Council (koun-sil)

Council is a term used in various contexts, often referring to a group of people who come together to make decisions or advise on matters. In a medical context, it may refer to a group of medical professionals who gather to discuss patient care, research, or policy.


The term "council" originates from the Old French concile, which is derived from the Latin concilium, meaning "a meeting or assembly". The term has been used in English since the 12th century.

Related Terms

  • Medical Council: A regulatory body for doctors. It protects the public by promoting and better ensuring high standards of professional conduct and professional education, training and competence among doctors.
  • Ethics Council: A group of individuals tasked with maintaining ethical standards in a particular field, such as medicine.
  • Advisory Council: A group of individuals who provide advice and expertise to an organization or institution, such as a hospital or medical research facility.
  • Council of Europe: An international organization that promotes human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in Europe. It has a significant role in setting standards for health care and medical practice in its member states.

See Also

External links


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