Contrast-enhanced ultrasound

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Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (kon-trast en-hansd ul-tra-sound) is a medical imaging technique that uses ultrasound technology in conjunction with a contrast agent to improve the quality of an ultrasound image.


The term "contrast-enhanced ultrasound" is derived from its function. "Contrast" refers to the contrast agent used to enhance the image, "enhanced" refers to the improvement in image quality, and "ultrasound" refers to the imaging technology used.


In a contrast-enhanced ultrasound, a contrast agent is injected into the patient's bloodstream. This agent, usually a gas-filled microbubble, enhances the reflection of the ultrasound waves, allowing for a clearer image of the blood vessels and tissues. The procedure is non-invasive and can be performed in an outpatient setting.


Contrast-enhanced ultrasound is used in various medical fields, including cardiology, radiology, and oncology. It is particularly useful in detecting and characterizing lesions in organs such as the liver, kidney, and pancreas. It can also be used to monitor blood flow and tissue perfusion in real time.


Compared to other imaging techniques, contrast-enhanced ultrasound has several advantages. It does not expose the patient to ionizing radiation, making it safer for repeated use. It also provides real-time imaging, allowing for immediate assessment and diagnosis. Furthermore, it is less expensive than other imaging modalities such as MRI and CT scan.


Despite its advantages, contrast-enhanced ultrasound also has limitations. The quality of the image can be affected by the patient's body habitus and the presence of gas or calcified plaques. It also requires a skilled operator to perform and interpret the images.

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