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Condensation (Medicine)

Condensation (pronunciation: /kɒndɛnˈseɪʃən/) is a term used in various fields of medicine, including pathology and radiology. It refers to the process of a substance changing from a gaseous state to a denser state, such as a liquid or a solid. In medical context, it often refers to the thickening or solidification of tissues, fluids, or other substances within the body.


The term "condensation" originates from the Latin word condensare, which means "to make dense".

Related Terms

  • Densification: A similar process to condensation, where a substance becomes denser.
  • Solidification: The process of a substance changing from a liquid or gas to a solid state.
  • Thickening: In medical terms, this often refers to the increase in density of tissues or fluids within the body.
  • Pathology: The study of disease, often involving the examination of tissues and fluids.
  • Radiology: The field of medicine that uses imaging to diagnose and treat diseases within the body.

See Also

  • Evaporation (medicine): The process of a substance changing from a liquid or solid state to a gaseous state.
  • Sublimation (medicine): The process of a substance changing directly from a solid to a gas, without first becoming a liquid.

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