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Compliance (medicine)

Compliance (/kəmˈplaɪəns/), in the field of medicine, refers to the degree to which a patient correctly follows medical advice. Most commonly, it refers to medication or drug compliance, but it can also apply to other situations such as medical device use, self-care, self-directed exercises, or therapy sessions.


The term "compliance" comes from the Latin word "complire", which means "to fill up", hence "fulfill" or "accomplish". In the context of medicine, it signifies the fulfillment of the prescribed course of treatment by the patient.

Related Terms

  • Adherence: This term is often used interchangeably with compliance. However, adherence implies a more active role from the patient in their treatment plan.
  • Concordance: This is a more recent term that emphasizes the agreement between the patient and the healthcare provider about the treatment plan.
  • Non-compliance: This refers to the failure or refusal to comply with the medical advice. It can be intentional or unintentional, and it's a significant issue in healthcare.
  • Persistence: This term refers to the duration of time that a patient continues to take a prescribed medication. It's a component of overall compliance.

Importance of Compliance

Compliance is crucial in medical treatment as it directly affects the effectiveness of the treatment plan. Non-compliance can lead to treatment failure, complications, and increased healthcare costs. Factors affecting compliance include patient-related factors, therapy-related factors, and healthcare system-related factors.

Strategies to Improve Compliance

Various strategies can be employed to improve compliance, such as patient education, simplifying the treatment regimen, using reminder systems, and improving the patient-healthcare provider relationship.

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