Complementary medicine

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Complementary medicine
TermComplementary medicine
Short definitionComplementary medicine - (pronounced) (KOM-pleh-MEN-tuh-ree MEH-dih-sin) Treatments that are used in conjunction with standard treatments but are not considered standard. Standard treatments are based on the results of scientific research and are currently accepted and widely used. Less research has been done for most types of complementary medicine. Complementary medicine includes acupuncture, nutritional supplements, massage therapy, hypnosis and meditation. For example, acupuncture can be used with certain medications to relieve cancer pain or nausea and vomiting. Also called complementary therapy 
TypeCancer terms

Complementary medicine - (pronounced) (KOM-pleh-MEN-tuh-ree MEH-dih-sin) Treatments that are used in conjunction with standard treatments but are not considered standard. Standard treatments are based on the results of scientific research and are currently accepted and widely used. Less research has been done for most types of complementary medicine. Complementary medicine includes acupuncture, nutritional supplements, massage therapy, hypnosis and meditation. For example, acupuncture can be used with certain medications to relieve cancer pain or nausea and vomiting. Also called complementary therapy

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