Combat medic

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Combat Medic

A Combat Medic (pronounced: /ˈkɒmbæt ˈmɛdɪk/) is a military personnel who has been trained to provide medical care in combat situations. They are also known as field medics or battlefield medics.


The term "Combat Medic" is derived from the English words "combat", which means fight, and "medic", which is short for medical personnel. The term was first used in the World War II to refer to military personnel who were trained to provide medical care on the battlefield.

Role and Responsibilities

A Combat Medic's primary responsibility is to provide emergency medical treatment at point of wounding on the battlefield, limited primary care, and health protection and evacuation from a point of injury or illness. Additionally, they may also be responsible for providing first aid and trauma care to wounded soldiers, and for the ongoing care of patients who have been evacuated from the battlefield.


Training for Combat Medics varies by country and military organization, but typically includes a combination of classroom instruction and field training. They are trained in basic life support, trauma care, and other emergency medical procedures. They may also receive training in the use of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, and in the management of medical emergencies.

Related Terms

  • Field Surgeon: A medical officer who performs surgery in a field hospital close to a battlefield.
  • Corpsman: A non-commissioned medical specialist in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps.
  • Medevac: Short for medical evacuation, it refers to the safe removal of injured personnel from a battlefield.

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