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A Child (/ʧaɪld/; from Old English cild, meaning "fetus" or "infant") is a young human being who is not yet an adult. The term is used more broadly to denote a son or daughter of any age.


The word "child" comes from the Old English cild, which could refer to a fetus or an infant. It is related to the Old High German kint, the Old Norse kundr, and the Gothic kilþei, all of which mean "womb" or "that which is born".

Related Terms

  • Infant: A child in the earliest period of life, especially one newly born.
  • Toddler: A young child who is just beginning to walk.
  • Adolescent: A young person in the process of developing from a child into an adult.
  • Minor: A person under the age of full legal responsibility.
  • Juvenile: A young person, typically referring to those who are not yet adults.
  • Youth: The period of life when one is young, especially the period between childhood and adulthood.

See Also


External links


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